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森流 - 奇異植物、爬蟲、水族 | GreenFlow Exotic Pets & Plants

緣邊走燈蘚 Plagiomnium Moss (Plagiomnium acutum)

定價 HK$48
定價 售價 HK$48
銷售額 售罄

Fresh moss is grow in clumps in rocky areas and stumps. It grows in fertile soil in forests and is found in the China.
It can be grown in a pot and makes a beautiful house plant. It loves moisture and cannot be over watered. It can be grown in container gardens, small whimsical gardens spaces, and terrariums. When in terrarium it needs less water and moisture.

Growing method:

When planting in terrariums plant in an area that is not overly moist. Fresh mood moss can grow to 3 ~ 4 inches thick, very green, and can be broken apart quickly with your hands. Other places it fits well are rock gardens and covering for potted plants. Open terrariums are better. The closed systems have too little air circulation and less moisture. Often when growing mood moss outdoors, it likes fertile soil to grow in. When planting clear the area of weeds, plants, and debris. Smooth out soil and lightly dampen moss and dirt and press into the earth. Carefully step on moss to make sure it has good contact with the ground and on the edges. Plant in long or shady area gently waters 2 to 3 times daily. Make sure it can dry out or water less often. Continue watering regime when you want the moss to grown and spread in your outdoor garden.

Purchase Size: 15*8 cm (5.9*3.1‘’)
Temperature: 65 – 77° F (18 – 25° C)
Sunlight Demand: Low to Moderate


Make sure to check moisture levels when your moss tray arrives. Fluff mosses with your hands. Rehydrate as needed and keep moist, but not soggy, until planted. If possible, stage your mosses outdoors until planting, rather than inside locations. Air conditioning or heat will dry out mosses quickly, and therefore require more attention to keep them fresh.