
阿爾巴白月影石蓮花 (Echeveria elegans ' Alba ')

阿爾巴白月影石蓮花 (Echeveria elegans ' Alba ')

月影的拉丁文種加詞“elegans”意為“優雅的”,指其高貴雅致的外表。 [2]  月影株形優美緊湊,易群生。不同產地的原始月影及大量派生園藝品種的形態多樣性吸引了許多景天愛好者收集。 月影及其派生品種雖然具有較為標誌性的圓潤葉形和透明葉緣(俗稱“冰邊”),但葉片在陰雨連綿的夏季易因濕度過大或陽光不足而變綠、攤開,而狀態良好的植株的色澤和株型也易受生長環境因素的影響而產生較大的變化,導致具體品種辨認上的困難。 護理要求 : 光照: 充足柔和的光照 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
天人之舞 Copper Spoon (Kalanchoe orgyalis) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

天人之舞 Copper Spoon (Kalanchoe orgyalis)

Kalanchoe Orgyalis is nattive to Southern and south-western Madagascar. It has bronze leathery ,oval grey leaves which folds inwards. It has tiny hair . The inflorences are yelllow in  color Sunlight Demand:...
姬玉露 Haworthia cooperi var. truncata - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

姬玉露 Haworthia cooperi var. truncata

Haworthia cooperi var. truncata is orignated from South Africa ,Eastern Cape Province. Ileaves are middel-green,spatulate, simple, arranged in rosettes and makes fat little colonies.It has tubular white flowers .leaves become reddish with too...
彩虹石蓮花 Echeveria ' Rainbow ' - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

彩虹石蓮花 Echeveria ' Rainbow '

Cheveria Rainbow is a small and medium breed. The fleshy leaves of the plant are arranged in a dense rosette. The leaves with red dots and dark purple have obvious...
桃之卵 Lavender pebbles (Graptopetalum amethystinum )

桃之卵 Lavender pebbles (Graptopetalum amethystinum )

Graptopetalum Amethystinum is an unusual succlent plant species  which look like moon rocks with a powdery coating.This plant has highly succulent pallid leaves which may be bluish but are often tinged with...
五十鈴玉Baby toes (Fenestraria aurantiaca) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

五十鈴玉Baby toes (Fenestraria aurantiaca)

Fenestraria (known as babies' toes or window plant[citation needed]) is a genus of succulent plants in the family Aizoaceae, native to the Namaqualand in Namibia.Each leaf has an epidermal window,...
碧光環 Monilaria obconica Rabbit Shape

碧光環 Monilaria obconica Rabbit Shape

Native to South Africa, a very drought-tolerant succulent plant. It is a very interesting and easily flowered plant with brilliant green spaghetti leaves. Monilaria Moniliforme as known as bunny succulents,...
信東尼 Stonecrop ( Sedum hintonii ) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

信東尼 Stonecrop ( Sedum hintonii )

Sedum hintonii is native to Mexico.Leveas are egg-shaped cover with white hair.They are oblong or elliptical, pale green. Flowers are white and star-shaped. Sunlight Demand: Full sun or partial shade Flower Color: White...
燈泡 Burger's onion ( Conophytum burgeri )

燈泡 Burger's onion ( Conophytum burgeri )

Conophytum burgeri ("Burger's onion") is a small, endangered, South African species of succulent plant, of the genus Conophytum.An onion-shaped, single-bodied, succulent plant, it is possibly the most unusual of all...
勞爾 Sedum clavatum - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

勞爾 Sedum clavatum

Sedum clavatum is a succulent plant that grows in compact rosettes that elongate into long stems with time. Originally identified growing in southern Mexico, S. clavatum produces white, star-shaped flowers...
雞蛋山地玫瑰 ( Greenovia diplocycla var.gigantea  )

雞蛋山地玫瑰 ( Greenovia diplocycla var.gigantea  )

山地玫瑰系列品種很多,比較經典而且極具特色和觀賞性的要屬“雞蛋玫瑰”,一聽名字便道出了它的形態,夏季休眠期它的葉片緊閉,包裹得像一顆雞蛋,春秋生長期,葉片展開就像一朵玫瑰花,非常美,而且養護也容易。 護理要求 : 光照: 充足柔和的光照 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
熊童子  Bear's Paw (Cotyledon tomentosa Var.)

熊童子 Bear's Paw (Cotyledon tomentosa Var.)

Cotyledon tomentosa is a species of flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae, native to South Africa. It is a succulent evergreen shrub with large chunky ovate fuzzy green leaves. Its...
乳酪(Pachyphytum ‘ Cheese ’ ) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

乳酪(Pachyphytum ‘ Cheese ’ )

乳酪多肉和桃之卵多肉非常相似,它們如同一對漂亮的雙胞胎姐妹,葉片都非常圓潤好像鵝卵石一般,在太陽光的照射下,葉色會逐漸轉為粉色,並且還稍微透著一絲紅暈,看起來猶如害羞的少女一般,觀賞價值特別高。 護理要求 : 光照: 明亮散射光 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
海豚玄月 Senecio Peregrinus ( Senecio Peregrinus )

海豚玄月 Senecio Peregrinus ( Senecio Peregrinus )

海豚玄月屬於菊科、千里光屬多肉植物,雜交品種,早期主要流行於日本,又名三爪上玄月。由於其葉片如同一只只活靈活現的海豚,自由而灑脫的鑲嵌在纖細的莖上,而被花友們稱之為海豚玄月或小海豚。 護理要求 : 光照: 明亮散射光 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
藍鳥石蓮花 Echeveria blue bird

藍鳥石蓮花 Echeveria blue bird

Echeveria blue bird Crassulaceae succulent plant. Thin-leaf bluebird, small and medium-sized species, often branched and grouped, plant rosette-shaped, leaves ovate, flat, slightly thick, the tip of the leaf is gradually...
月兔耳/褐斑伽藍/泰迪熊Teddy Bear (Kalanchoe tomentosa )

月兔耳/褐斑伽藍/泰迪熊Teddy Bear (Kalanchoe tomentosa )

Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Teddy Bear’ is native to  Madagascar. It has round, thick ,heart-shaped leaves.There are brown margin on the leaves with 'fur'. Flowers are small, bell shaped and golden ginger in...
球松(Sedum multiceps)

球松(Sedum multiceps)

球松原產北非的阿爾及利亞,喜涼爽乾燥、陽光充足的環境,在半陰處也能正常生長,耐乾旱,怕積水。 球松植株矮小,株型緊湊,綠葉簇生枝頭,類似松針,整個植株酷似微縮版的松樹。 護理要求 : 光照: 明亮散射光 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
耶羅粉山地玫瑰 ( Greenovia aurea  )

耶羅粉山地玫瑰 ( Greenovia aurea  )

耶羅粉山地玫瑰,屬於山地玫瑰的一種,是夏天休眠的一類多肉植物。休眠期粉山地玫瑰葉片聚攏,顏色變粉,底部葉片乾枯,不明白的會覺得多肉植物像死了一樣。隨著溫度變低,粉山地結束休眠期,開始進入生長期,葉片逐漸變綠,開始張開,生長速度很明顯。 護理要求 : 光照: 充足柔和的光照 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
凝蹄玉 Pseudolithos migiurtinus - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

凝蹄玉 Pseudolithos migiurtinus

Pseudolithos migiurtinus is native to the North East of Somalia. It is a  single stemmed plant. The stem is tuberculate, and oval .It is variable  in shape, colour and size.he The...
紅寶石枝幹番杏(Drosanthemum stokoei  )

紅寶石枝幹番杏(Drosanthemum stokoei )

枝幹番杏的葉子是比較有顆粒感的,看著很可愛,具有枝幹,常常群生,看起來很有趣。 當枝幹番杏群生並且開花的時候,那整個感覺可是非常壯觀的。 護理要求 : 光照: 明亮散射光 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
金桔糖球枝幹番杏(Drosanthemum globosum  )

金桔糖球枝幹番杏(Drosanthemum globosum )

枝幹番杏的葉子是比較有顆粒感的,看著很可愛,具有枝幹,常常群生,看起來很有趣。 當枝幹番杏群生並且開花的時候,那整個感覺可是非常壯觀的。 護理要求 : 光照: 明亮散射光 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
雪花玉露( Haworthia cooperi ‘ Snow Flake ‘ )

雪花玉露( Haworthia cooperi ‘ Snow Flake ‘ )

雪花玉露的顏色要比草玉露深很多,最大的特點是在每個葉片上面都有一些白色的條紋,形狀也有點雪花狀,也因此而得名雪花玉露。 雪花玉露是葉片短小並且呈三角狀的尖頭玉露。葉冠通透發淡綠色,而且還帶有白色斑點狀雪花。頂部只長有細小的毛。生長速度和普通姬玉露相差無幾,但卻幾乎不長出側芽,故形態一般不會有太大改變並呈蓮花狀。 護理要求 : 光照: 充足柔和的光照 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
廣寒宮 Echeveria cante Glass & Mendoza - Garcia - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

廣寒宮 Echeveria cante Glass & Mendoza-Garcia

Echeveria cante Glass & Mendoza-Garcia is a succulent plant belonging to the genus Crassulaceae. It is a large succulent plant with a diameter of up to one foot (about 30.48...
露鏡 Pilea serpyllacea ' Globosa '

露鏡 Pilea serpyllacea ' Globosa '

Pilea serpyllacea 'Globosa' is a cute herbaceous plant native to Ecuador and Bolivia. Its tiny mid-green fleshy leaves overlap with one another. The plant grows tiny, star-shaped flowers during late...
達摩綠塔 Pagoda Mini Jade (Crassula quadrangularis)

達摩綠塔 Pagoda Mini Jade (Crassula quadrangularis)

Crassula quadrangolaris has tiny,  branched stems, with small dark green leaves which are tightly imbricated to the stems. Leaves, are barely visible, . At the top of the stems, leaves...
千代田之松 Little jewel ( Pachyphytum compactum) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

千代田之松 Little jewel ( Pachyphytum compactum)

Pachyphytum compactum is a small succulents native to Mexico. It  is a common houseplants. It has  slightly flattened cylindrical,  light green leaves with powdery coating called “farina.”. The leveas are rounded, but slightly edged...
丸葉姬秋麗 ( Graptopetalum mendozae ) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

丸葉姬秋麗 ( Graptopetalum mendozae )

溫馨提示:在運輸途中可能會出現落葉,葉片放在泥土表面會長出新的植株,該商品小量落葉不在售後範圍,介意者謹慎下單。 丸葉姬秋麗是很多花友都喜歡的一種多肉植物,這種多肉的葉片小巧,看上去清新可愛,而且還非常容易爆崽,養護好輕鬆爆盆,就像是從花盆裏流出來一般,非常壯觀。 丸葉姬秋麗的葉片肥厚飽滿,可以自己儲存不少水分,所以我們在養護丸葉姬秋麗的時候,一定要用疏鬆透氣、養分充足的土壤來種植,可以給植株補充養分的同時還不用擔心會出現積水爛根的情況。 想要丸葉姬秋麗長出漂亮的顏色,光有光照還不行,一定要有合適的溫差,在秋冬季節,大家可以直接將丸葉姬秋麗擺放在室外種植,因為室外的通風好,晝夜溫差大,適當的低溫刺激一下,丸葉姬秋麗的葉片會更好看。   護理要求 : 光照: 全日照 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
阿爾巴比緹Echeveria ' Alba Beauty '

阿爾巴比緹Echeveria ' Alba Beauty '

Echeveria ‘alba beauty’ Sedum succulent succulent plant with thick leaves and densely formed rosettes, pinkish green leaves, and the front end of the dorsal leaves of the Albajia is easy...
冰玉 Echeveria ' Ice Green '

冰玉 Echeveria ' Ice Green '

Echeveria 'Ice green' is a succulent plant of the genus Paeonia spp. With succulent and round leaves and a clear color management. Bingyu is a small variety, with a rosette-shaped...
黑王子 Echeveria ' Black Prince '

黑王子 Echeveria ' Black Prince '

Echeveria ‘Black Prince’ is a perennial succulent herb of the genus Psyllium. The black prince's straight rosette leaf plate and special leaf color make it highly ornamental and very striking....
托尼 Crassula alstonii - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

托尼 Crassula alstonii

-The green and thick leaves are tightly arranged -The surface of the leaves are rough with fine particles -The star-shaped flowers of this plant is white-yellow  -Don't water your plant...
雪錦星 Crested Firecracker Plant (Echeveria pulvinata 'Frosty crested')

雪錦星 Crested Firecracker Plant (Echeveria pulvinata 'Frosty crested')

Echeveria pulvinata 'Frosty' is native to Mexico. Leaves are green, sometimes red or yellow, covered with white tiny hair. Leaves are round with pointed tip. Sunlight Demand: Full sun or partial shade...
重扇 Window's tears (Tradescantia navicularis)

重扇 Window's tears (Tradescantia navicularis)

Tradescantia navicularis is orignated from Mexico .The leaves are broadly ovate, boat-like, canaliculate, very concave . They are usually glabrous except along a line ascending from the axil of each leaf. The...
酒杯山地玫瑰 ( Greenovia diplocycla  )

酒杯山地玫瑰 ( Greenovia diplocycla  )

酒杯山地玫瑰是景天科山地玫瑰屬的多肉植物,中大型種。 酒杯玫瑰一種長的像酒杯又像玫瑰花的多肉,只有秋天葉子才會展開植株蓮座狀,葉片倒卵形或匙形、薄而軟,往往週邊葉片下攤,內部葉片較包裹,葉綠色,夏季休眠。 護理要求 : 光照: 充足柔和的光照 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
雅樂之舞 ( Portulacaria afra var.foliis-variegatis )

雅樂之舞 ( Portulacaria afra var.foliis-variegatis )

雅樂之舞色彩明快,株形秀美,是多肉植物中葉、形俱美的品種,常作中、小型盆栽或吊盆栽種,佈置客廳、書房及陽臺、窗臺等處。此外,生長多年的老株肉質莖虯曲蒼勁,極似老樹古樁,經蟠紮修剪等造型後,還可製成古樸典雅的樹樁盆景。 護理要求 : 光照: 明亮散射光 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
晚霞 Echeveria afterglow

晚霞 Echeveria afterglow

Echeveria cv. Afterglow Crassulaceae is a perennial succulent plant that is a cross between Don Worth and E. cante and E. shaviana. The leaves of the sunset are arranged closely...
碧雷鼓 Silver Dollar Plant ( Xerosicyos danguyi )

碧雷鼓 Silver Dollar Plant ( Xerosicyos danguyi )

Xerosicyos danguyi, commonly called “silver dollar plant” or “dollar vine” or “penny plant”, is an unusual climbing succulent vine with cylindrical stems and thick, succulent, round silvery-green leaves. leaves are...
唐扇 Living stone (Aloinopsis schooneesii) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

唐扇 Living stone (Aloinopsis schooneesii)

Aloinopsis schooneesii is native to South Africa, Eastern Cape (Bushmanland). It has thick, small knob-like dark blue-green,leaves  Flowers are daisy-like, silky, yellowish bronze with a file darker line at the centre of...
星爆法師 Starburst( Aeonium )

星爆法師 Starburst( Aeonium )

Most of them are native to the Canary Islands, some are found in Madeira, Morocco, and in East AfricaThe succulent leaves are typically arranged on a basal stem, in a...
金城錦 Haworthia pumila Var.

金城錦 Haworthia pumila Var.

Haworthia pumila (a.k.a. Haworthia margaritifera) is orignated from  South Africa . It has slender ,pointed, incured leaves with white tubercles, which in some cultivars may be dough-nut shaped.Leaves are usually green or...
水晶玉露( Haworthia obtusa ' crystal ' )

水晶玉露( Haworthia obtusa ' crystal ' )

水晶玉露因其肉質葉晶瑩明亮,如同冰燈那樣清澈透明而得名。 水晶玉露與常見的姬玉露有些近似,但二者無論在價格上,還是觀賞性上都有著很大差異:水晶玉露的株型較大,單株直徑有7至10釐米,而且幾乎不出側芽,更長不成群生的植株。其肉質葉頂端非常通透,像冰一樣的透。葉緣有毛刺,但頂端沒有毛。 護理要求 : 光照: 充足柔和的光照 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
櫻水晶 ( Haworthia cooperi  )

櫻水晶 ( Haworthia cooperi  )

櫻水晶非常容易養護。原產南非,葉片晶瑩剔透,如同玉石雕刻而成,奇特而美麗,用小盆栽種點綴案頭書桌、窗臺等處,清新典雅,如同有生命的工藝品,很有特色。 護理要求 : 光照: 充足柔和的光照 澆水方式: 幹透澆水 種植介質: 混合顆粒土
肉錐 Conophytum globosum

肉錐 Conophytum globosum

Conophytum globosum起源和棲息地北開普省,南非。 被稱為“活卵石”。在休息期間(歐洲的夏季月份),舊的身體內部形成一個新的身體,逐漸吸收其中的所有物質,直到剩下的只有皮膚,皮膚會變乾並保護幼苗免受太陽的熱量和過度蒸發的影響的水。被這種干燥覆蓋物保護的靜息松柏類似於鵝卵石,因此得名“活鵝卵石”。 大部分品種的生長期為八月至三月。溫度應在 10 至 12°C 左右。 尺寸:單頭0.5-0.8cm 光線:強光 澆水:保持乾燥 介質:顆粒土 是否帶盆:發貨時根據植物尺寸選著 7*7cm 或 12cm 口徑的塑膠盆 發貨。
黑爪 Echeveria cuspidata var.zaragozae kimnach

黑爪 Echeveria cuspidata var.zaragozae kimnach

Echeveria cuspidata var.zaragozae Kimnach is a succulent plant of the genus Paeonia spp., Which is a small and medium-sized species of Paeonia spp. The characteristic is the blue-purple tones of...
露西娜Echeveria lucila

露西娜Echeveria lucila

ECHEVERIA LUCILA is a succulent plant of the genus Rhododendron, which is native to Mexico. The leaves are succulent and have a pale pink or lotus flower color. The tips...
錢串 Crassula Perforata

錢串 Crassula Perforata

 C. perforata grows long, unbranched, rambling stems. It looks similar to its close relative, Crassula rupestris, but C. perforata has a long inflorescence, with lots of tiny cream flowers, and...
蕾絲姑娘 Mother of Thousands(Kalanchoe laetivirens)

蕾絲姑娘 Mother of Thousands(Kalanchoe laetivirens)

-Kalanchoe laetivirens is also called Bryophyllum pinnatum . It is an unusual succulent plant.-New plantlets grow from the edges of mature leaves. When baby plants fall in the soil, they...
都星 Crassula mesembryanthemopsis

都星 Crassula mesembryanthemopsis

Crassula mesembryanthemopsis is native to South Africa and Namibia. It has thick undergrounf stems. Leaves are club-shaped, grey-green with a flat tip. Sunlight Demand: Full sun or partial shade Flower Color: Cream...