蕾絲姑娘 Mother of Thousands(Kalanchoe laetivirens)


size: 盆徑約5cm


-Kalanchoe laetivirens is also called Bryophyllum pinnatum . It is an unusual succulent plant.
-New plantlets grow from the edges of mature leaves. When baby plants fall in the soil, they can easily grow new roots, and eventually you will get a lot of Kalanchoe laetivirens.
-In summer, it needs to be shaded from the sun, and at other times it needs sufficient sunlight, otherwise its beautiful color will slowly disappear.

Please click this link for information on how to acclimate the plant upon receipt.


Sunlight Demand:

Full sun or partial shade
Water Requirement: Medium
Purchase Size: 1-1.5'' (3-4cm)
Order process and delivery instructions

Free shipping on purchases over $600 (non-animals) / $1,000 (including animals)! If you still have questions, please seeInstructions for ordering and delivery!

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