AboutGreenFlow Website Shopping
You can pick up your items at the Kwun Tong store during business hours, or you can arrange delivery with SF Express (non-animal products) or LalaMove/GoGoVan (all products). Please see shipping chargesOrder guide.
- 由於活體產品的特殊性,我們只保障交付時產品存活,因飼養不當造成的損耗不在我們的保障範圍內。
- 請注意,活體產品在運輸過程中可能會因環境變化而出現顏色變化,但會隨著適應新環境而恢復。
- VISA 和 Mastercard
- PayMe(ID: 5217 2219)
- FPS轉數快(ID: 160642617)
- 銀行入數(恆生銀行 My Home Nature Ltd:390681302883)
Due to workload constraints, we generally do not provide photos or videos unless:
- The website only has reference images of mature plants showing color, and there are no photos of juvenile or sub-adult specimens. In this case, you can contact us for photos, and we will update the website accordingly.
- The product requires specific color status, such as high-quality specimens of fish (e.g., premium Arowanas), mature discus fish, or prized varieties of other animals.
- You need to view the shape of certain plants, such as rare tuberous plants, unique bonsai with one-of-a-kind appearances, or large plants not listed on the website.
Our plants and animals are shipped directly from breeding farms or nurseries, and we have dedicated personnel to ensure the health of the species. Feel free to purchase with confidence.
About Us
森流GreenFlow的工作很多,目的是讓每位顧客——無論是新手還是專業玩家,無論是初次接觸還是想要飼養——都能在森流GreenFlow感到自信和被支持。我們的使命是「Let Green Flow In You · 讓心在森流動」。
We offer a variety of products including:
- Various tropical plants, succulents, carnivorous plants and rainforest plants, as well as related maintenance products
- Rare devil crabs, tropical fish, ornamental shrimps, crayfish, reptiles and other exotic pets, as well as corresponding breeding products
- Fish tanks, landscaping materials and other accessories and equipment
- Novice breeding kit suitable for first-time enthusiasts
- 在我們的網站上訂購,可選擇送貨或自取
- 親臨我們的觀塘門市(地址:觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室)。
- 致力於提供全面售前和售後建議的合作夥伴
- 提供各類課程和工作坊,讓所有年齡層的人都能親身體驗與大自然的親密接觸
- 鼓勵大家通過自己的觀察和記錄來飼養動植物的平台,我們相信自己親身經歷及與大家交流比權威更可靠。
- 新手友好的飼養套裝
- 詳細的照顧指南
- 專業的客戶支援
- 建議從較容易照顧的品種開始,逐步增加挑戰性
Our store address is Rooftop C, Floor 14, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong. There are various plants on the rooftop. You are welcome to come and visit and purchase.
Our opening hours are as follows:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 12pm to 8pm
- Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: 1pm to 7pm
- Wednesday: closed
GreenFlow offers a variety of interactive courses:
- "GreenFlow Experience – Junior Shop Assistant Training": Since summer, over 100 families have participated, receiving rave reviews. This two-hour experience allows children and adults to safely interact with small animals and learn about biology.
- "Building Homes for Small Animals" Workshop: Design suitable habitats for Vampire Crabs, Horned Frogs, and Jumping Spiders. The compact 20cm enclosure takes up minimal space while teaching kids responsible pet care.
- "Plant Killers’ Redemption Class": Learn plant care techniques and create Kokedama (moss balls) or moss jar art.
All courses are led by professionals and are suitable for various ages and experience levels. We also offer one-on-one pet care and terrarium design guidance. Contact us for more details!
- 生態奇觀:將大自然的奧妙濃縮於方寸之間
- 低維護需求:近乎自給自足的生態系統
- 視覺饗宴:宛如活體藝術品的景觀設計
- 生物多樣性:豐富多彩的微型生態世界
- 開放式設計:與周圍環境自然互動
- 心靈療癒:為您的空間營造一片寧靜綠洲
Fish: Small ornamental fish such as Guppies and Zebra Fish
Shrimp: Species like Cherry Shrimp and Crystal Shrimp
Snails: Examples include Apple Snail and Nerite Snail
Crustaceans: Colorful species like the Devil Crab
Amphibians: For example, Axolotl (Note: It is not recommended to keep tree frogs)
Plants: Aquatic plants, terrestrial plants, mosses, etc.
森流缸的尺寸可根據需求定制,從小型桌面擺設到大型落地設計皆可。一般而言,建議最小尺寸為 30×30×30 公分,以確保生物有充足的生存空間。
- 定期添加純淨水補充蒸發損失
- 每月修剪過度生長的植物
- 適量餵食(如有動物)
- 觀察並維持生態平衡
- 維護相對簡便,換水頻率較低
- 生態系統更接近自然,更穩定
- 可同時飼養水生、兩棲和部分陸生物種
- 具有更高的觀賞價值和藝術性
- 與周圍環境有更多互動
- 水面保持輕微流動
- 添加魚類等天敵生物
- 定期維護確保環境清潔
- 選擇適當的植物有助於控制昆蟲